About Safe Classrooms Fund

The Safe Classrooms Fund is a grass roots community development organization that will solve the problem of why our kids are not protected from attack in our schools.   

For over two decades school authorities have wrestled with  the solutions to school shootings and other types of attacks and while preventing these attacks involves a complicated list of potential solutions that vary in their effectiveness, we can’t allow our children to wait unprotected for the answer.  No one can tell you how we’ll end such a threat against our kids but what is certain is how we can start: With a door

After the 9/11 tragic terror episode one of the first steps taken was to reinforce the cockpit door.  The effectiveness of starting with a door cannot be overstated.  Since then, there has not been a single use of an airplane to commit a crime by someone who wasn’t already in the cockpit. 

For a decade our partners, Net Talon, have had a solution, it’s been much reviewed in the press and on TV and there are four schools in Indiana called the “Safest Schools in America” right now.   The problem has been with no standard for construction of schools, no accountability to prevent violence among school officials and many groups trying to leverage these violent episodes to further a particular cause, nothing has happened except an increasing death and injury toll.  Clearly we, as citizens, parents, members of our community with the responsibility of making a more perfect communty have to find another way than awaiting beaurocrats and elected officials to do a simple and inexpensive step,  get our kids behind safe doors. 

Safe Classrooms Fund leverages new regulations and founders with experience in Internet fund raising, community development, security and law enforcement to put this solution into the hands of those who can make it happen quickly. 

You fund the doors. We get them installed

Once upon a time in America when a community needed a school they crowdfunded the purchase of the land, the construction, the hiring of the staff and all other expenses.   It worked, and can work again.   For every community in America we have the number of doors needed, the door that will keep kids safe until law enforcement can arrive and rescue them and a proven process to get funding you provide with full accountability into the hands of those who will install and maintain the doors.  

We know you pay taxes and it’s a fair question as to why we’re asking you to pay more to get this done.   There are a lot of different ideas from beaurocrats and elected officials of what to do with your tax dollars and when.   The net result is that, though this solution has been around for over a decade only four schools in the whole country have them.   The answer is to bypass the morass of public funding.   Maybe in the future, as was done with sprinkler systems, every school in America will have these doors and other related systems and products to keep our kids in safe spaces while they learn.  Meanwhile, we need to act now.     Our approach is the same as you’ve seen on sites like GoFundMe where people with a need leverage the Internet and their communities to make small donations that accomplish big, otherwise overwhelming things.   Safe Classrooms is the same approach (only for half the cost of GoFundMe).   With full transparency you can not only see exactly how much is needed in your community but how much progress is being made, who is being paid and for what,  how the installations are validated and guaranteed and even have a say into which schools get doors with your money if you wish.   

Use of Funds Statement

95% of all donations from each community will be deposited in that communities escrow account at a community based bank.   5% will be used to cover expenses to build, grow and maintain community pages

Privacy Statement

 Contact information you provide with your donation or requests for information will never be shared publicly.  We use it to simply keep track of how you’ve interacted with us as we proceed together on this important mission. 

The Team

A group of financial and technology veteran business owners have come together to staff the originating office of SafeClassrooms Fund.  Really though, the team is you and everyone in our communities seeking to make this happen.  Major law enforcement organizations, school officials, legislators, equipment manufacturers and advocates for child safety are among our advisory board and contributors. 

Community Coordinator - Adam Pressman

Adam Pressman is a financial technology CEO with a security background who has put the effort together.